The Backdoor Problem
Firewalls seal, but most of them leak!
Most of the firewalls and UTM appliances offered in the IT security market provide secret access for external authorities
over so-called "hidden backdoors".
That's a fact, see for example "The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act" in the United States, a law applicable
to the Internet since 2004, which has been abused and is still abused to spy on companies all over the world.
So, does it really make sense to buy a firewall or UTM if someone still has access to copy all of your incoming and outgoing
Of course it does ... BUT... make sure to decide for a firewall or UTM appliance WITHOUT BACKDOORS.
As a member of "TeleTrusT" and holder of their prestigious trust seal "IT security made in Germany", we are officially assured
to offer our DEFENDO-UTMs without any hidden backdoors.
Buy firewalls without backdoors - otherwise you are NOT protected!
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